
Our beloved son (first child): Ary

(photo above) Swimming is his hobby(1982)

Take a bad in a bucket

(right:) Naughty boy with his mother (1983)

Our beloved daughter (second child): Dian

Dian with her monkey doll was being embraced by " mbak Nia" her cousin (Surabaya 1987)

Dian hugged carefully by her father (1986)

Dian (Brown scarf) with hers collage’s friends . (2005)


MOVED from “Setonen Street” (Lease-House) to our own house “Turangga Street” Alhamdulillah “thank God / Gott sei dank” (1985).

The original form is still exist, even all of the neighbor Houses
have been already changed (September 2008)

Ary with his two cousins (Dani & Nunuk) Growing up From baby up to adult

Photo Above: (three months after the birth) they were born in the same period- March 1982

In the CENGKARENG airport, say good bye to me, before my flight to Frankfurt 1985

The lowest Photo: Vacation on “Batu Raden” 2005